Thursday, July 26, 2012

Office ma Fari thi Double Double Nondhaviii

यह किस्सा उस वक़्त का है जब सब मस्त tummy भर के अपनी अपनी place पर आकर बैठ जाते है and start pretending to work but असलियत क्या है किसी को पता नहीं.. :P
ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh કોઈ ને કેહ્વાનું નહિ.. અમે તો કામ કરીએ છીએ :P

So हुआ ऐसा था की..

Miss S was just sitting beside Mr. V and Mr. V had just started to work but he was getting bored so decided to take the help of his iPod so that थोडा mood बन जाए. At the same time Miss S का headphone was not working properly and the volume levels were also very low, so she borrowed Mr. V's headphones and told him to play songs for her. So बिचारी हालात की मारी Miss S पर तरस खाकर  Mr. V agreed and done as she wanted him to do. So Mr. V selected few good songs and played for her.

कुछ देर तो सही चला सब.

But as you know that Mr. V was hearing songs from iPod.. So he didn’t liked one of the song from the list so decided to change the track. So he changed the track from the media player of his system :P Fatak se Miss S started looking at Mr. V and ગુસ્સે થી કીધું કે શું છે તમને કેમ song change કર્યું આટલું મસ્ત ચાલતું હતું ને ??

For few seconds Mr V. was totally blank की क्या हो रहा है फिर पता चला की he was hearing from his ipod and mistakenly he had changed the song in media player from where Miss. S was listening songs. Then Mr V shared the funny act with Miss s and both laughed..

अब सुनिए इस किस्से का दूसरा पहलु जहा Miss S ने बी कोई कसर छोड़ी नहीं थी

The background was same, and Miss S was listening songs from Mr. V's system. Suddenly she got some point to discuss with Mr. V and she pinged him via Gtalk. Now, she got confused why she was getting the ping voice when she sent msgs to Mr.V? :P

After 2-3 conversations she realized that afterall the headphone was attached to Mr.V's system, so it was but obvious to get the ping voice. :P

ખરી નોંધાવી, ને જાતે હસવા મંડી :P
હે ભગવાન શું થશે છોકરીયો નું :P :D

BDW it’s a Humble request to other members of this Nondhpothi to please keep on posting over here. ऐसा तो हो नहीं सकता की કોઈ નોંધાવતું નથી..

Keep on posting..
Keep Smiling...